Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another baseball video

My wife showed me this. Maybe you've seen it. Pretty sweet. I always dreamed about doing this in little league, but I didn't get on base much and never had the ups to make this kind of a play happen.

Does it match the play in this post?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Laughing Gravy

Sam and I are taking our youth group to something called Challenge 2010 this summer. It's an E-Free conference for high schoolers in Columbus, Ohio. It also features missions opportunities for our kids, including church plants in more "un-churched" parts of the city. I'm excited.

Anyways, we are doing some fund-raising to go. Last Sunday for youth group we played "Bigger & Better". To play, the group divided into three teams and we drove them around Ames from door to door, wherever they wanted to go. The teams each started with a quarter and, as they went door to door, asked if the resident has anything "bigger and better" to trade for a quarter. You keep trading up and up and so on, but many people just give us stuff they have lying around rather than trades us for something else they don't really want. We played the game for an hour. Tomorrow after church, the youth group will auction off the items we collected, as well as some other items donated by church members.

Here's a picture of what the three teams acquired:

Some of the acquisitions: chandelier, karaoke machine, stereo, 2 kites, wheel ramps, size 12 shoes, a tiny chair, a microwave, and lots of other miscellaneous stuff.

Oh yeah, and here's the kicker.You can barely see it, but on the right side of the picture there is a rudder and a box holding a sail for this bad boy:

Yep, we traded it for a quarter. Trailer included. Good job girls' team. We'll be selling it tomorrow after church, in anyone needs a sailboat.

The boat's name is the best part:

Thursday, April 8, 2010